Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4 Years...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you:

A Love Fest

Why this sudden change in direction? Well. Tomorrow is my 4th wedding anniversary and so I am subjecting you to the obligatory blog-o-sphere schmoopy-ness. In the last month or so, I have read no fewer than 15 "I'm so grateful for my husband/family/marriage" posts. Normally, this sweetness overload would get old, but in this case I am wholeheartedly supportive. Why, you ask? For a lot of reasons, really, but primarily because there is so much nonsense and negativity in this world about marriage and families that I feel like even the smallest efforts to paint marriage, family, monogamy and faith in a positive light are absolutely vital. And so, today, in my tiny corner of the internet and world, I am jumping on the bloggy bandwagon and declaring today officially "Love Fest" day.

Choosing to marry Isaac in the temple was the most important and best decision I have made so far in my life. Making the decision to marry was not easy. Getting married meant giving up some things that I, at the time, desperately wanted. I, being rather independently minded, really struggled with idea of going from "me" to "we". In my moments of extreme doubt, I am grateful for my dear little sister, who must have thought I was nuts for dragging her into my room in the middle of night and for making her listen to me, well, freak out. I am also grateful that she, in no uncertain terms, told me that I was being an idiot. Many people helped me to deal with my moments of uncertaintly and I am blessed to have them in my life. I hope you know who you are and that you know I am eternally grateful. Although actually making the choice and moving forward was difficult and a little scary, it is one of the only decisions I have made knowing 100% that it was the right thing to do. I am grateful everyday for inspiration and revelation that led to my decision.

Imagine putting the two most stubborn people in the universe together and then, ask them to live together, make huge, life altering decisions on a regular basis and, at the end of the day, still like each other and you can imagine how some days are in our marriage. :-)(it's those days that make me remember my wise father's advice, "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be married?") Although things are not perfect,(nor should they be-how else do we learn?)I am still grateful, everyday, to be blessed with my marriage. In one of the many marriage posts I read recently, I came across this statement: "Life is hard, I am so grateful for my marriage" So. True. My marriage is a blessing. Not a burden or a trial. A blessing. And I am grateful for it.

Happy 4th Anniversary to Us! I look forward to many more to come<


Morgan Hagey said...

And I love you, dearly, dearly.

Happy Anniversary!

I was so fat at your wedding.

Did you know I've still never seen the pictures?

The Wolford Family said...

Erin I'm glad you married Isaac too!!! He's so good for you and you're good for him. So congrats!! And have a fun day!!!

Alice said...

Look at you being all sentimental! :) Congrats on four years. That is weird to think about because it seems not that long ago. Where is my life going? I too am glad that you and Isaac got hitched. You are a great couple and I really wish you were closer to me because it was always fun to visit you guys in Provo. SIGH. Well, have a great day and again congrats!

Brian and Kelsey said...

Congrats sister! I would like to remind you of a conversation we had while I was in 4th grade and a dating rule you once gave me.. "When in doubt ask Erin because Erin is always right, Erin is never wrong" BUT I told you you were going to marry Isaac and you said you weren't going to. ERIN WAS WRONG, I WAS RIGHT! MUAHHHH

BloggingBills said...


We are delighted that you and your childhood (literally!) sweetheart got hitched and are still stitched together in love! We love Isaac and what he does for you. We love you for what you've done for him too! We just wish you were doing it a little closer to home so we would watch you flick his ear!

Happy Anniversary and may you have an eternity of love and laughter.


The Nelsen Family: said...

Wonderful post Erin! Happy anniversary!

Kathleen said...

Happy Anniversary Erin and Isaac! Do you really flick his ear?

Lindsey said...

Happy Anniversary!!