Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Favorite Room

So. I have this post I've been working on, complete with a million pictures of the house, the baby and our Alabama adventures. It's taking me a while to get it all done, so in the meantime I thought I'd share a picture of my favorite room in our new little house.
Are you ready?
Here it is:

Yes, it is true. My favorite "room" is not a room at all, but the closet in our office. I love it. So. Much. In every place we've lived previous to this little house, my sewing stuff has been migratory, moving where ever it would fit and then moving again to be "out of the way" when we needed the space it occupied for something else. I have longed for a permanent place to keep my sewing machine and all my many sewing books, tools and other things. When we started to organize our things, it became apparent that this little closet wasn't needed for actual storage and so I commandeered it and it became my sewing room. I have all my books, my patterns, my tools and projects IN ONE PLACE. The only things that don't fit in this tiny little closet are my giant bins of fabric, but they are just outside the door in the hall closet. It is AWESOME.

On one wall, I can hang my rulers. Observe:

On the other, I have an organizer for my bobbins, little tools of various kinds and scissors ( I have a lot of scissors):

The little lamp down at the bottom of that picture is sitting on a little table upon which also sits various things I am using for my current project. A little table. With a lamp. That doesn't have to move every time I need to use the dining room table. AWESOME, I tell you.

Sometimes, I come into the office just to look at the little closet and all my things neatly stowed away in their permanent home. Because it is so awesome.

And that is all for this Tuesday.


The Crazy Coxes said...

I LOVE your sewing "room!" How cool is that! Thanks for coming to visit! I hope you can join in Skirtember. Go hunt down the FB group and join!

MP Flory said...

I must be a nerd because I love when people post about how they organize. Show those house pics soon!