Thursday, April 23, 2009

If you ever...

get a lovely Scentsy candle warmer from your Mother-in-Law for Christmas along with cinnamon scented Scentsy wax from your mother and Mother-in-Law and you decide to put the warmer in the wall socket behind your table, because no one ever walks back there, so it won't be bumped and you realize that you need to change the wax in the warmer because it stopped smelling like lovely cinnamon several weeks ago and now simply smells like hot wax and you walk behind your kitchen table to get the warmer and forget that the warmer is on and try to pull the warmer out of the wall socket while it is A) on and B) full of hot wax be prepared bump your elbow on the table and spray hot wax everywhere and then, be sure to plan on spending a great deal of time cleaning red-orange wax off your hands, shoes, jeans and, most importantly, the white carpet in your rented apartment. You'll want to make sure you can spend at least 1 hour brushing the, now dried, wax out of the carpet and then fruitlessly scrubbing the carpet in an (unsuccessfull) attempt to eradicate the orange-red stain. Trust me. I know.


Anna said...

Oh wow!! That almost sounds like you are speaking from experience. :) It reminded me of how we celebrated Sean Sommers birthday and well he blew hot wax all over me, although I must say your run in with hot wax sounds much more enjoyable. :)

Morgan Hagey said...

One word for you: FOLEX

It'll get that red/orange stain right out. Seriously. Or you could try hydrogen peroxide.

Good luck with that...

AMANDAM said...

I have some experience with candle wax getting all over everything. Did you try ironing it out? Put an old towel over the stain and then rub a hot iron over the towel to try to pull the wax out of the carpet into the towel.

April said...

I agree with Morgan. Either one should work and the iron and towel works as well. At least the wax shouldn't have burned you. Michayla decided to play in mine just before we moved out of our house and it was burgundy on white and I was able to get it out. Good Luck!

April said...

Oh and as far as the clothes go I used Oxy Clean on my sweatshirt to get the burgundy out.

McEuens said...

Wow that sounds fun. I'll definitely put that on my list of things not to do. Kinda reminds me of the Christmas toffee incident....

BloggingBills said...

Oh baby, I'm sorry. When Josh gets wax all over everything, I just put a piece of furniture over the spot on the rug.