I am thrilled, really I am, that you value my opinion. I, being rather opinionated, think it's nice to actually be asked what I think, rather than following my usual pattern of offering my opinion whether solicited or not.
However, I do not appreciate being asked my opinion of other workers in the office. I do not like feeling like I am part of your covert plan to dig up dirt on co-workers against whom you have odd vendettas. Gossip under the guise of professional inquiry is still gossip. I.do.not.like.it.not.one.bit.
So. In the future, please do not invite me into your "office/cube" and ambush me with such questions. Because, as I've said, I am rather opinionated and I might just tell you what I think of you and your not-so-subtle attempts to get me to reveal damning information. I would feel perfectly justified in doing this because you are not my boss. You are simply boss-like.
Thanks so much!
Ouch. That is ridiculous.
One thing to remember. I s/he asks you to gossip about other people in the office, s/he is going to ask other people about you also.
You can say, "I don't feel like I know enough to comment on that. Thanks."
Also, sounds to me like this place might self-implode long before the legal system gets to it.
Bail baby, if you can.
Ooooh, that sounds like where I work. Horrible.
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