Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Epic Fail...

In case you were wondering, Lysol disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer are not an effective "pandemic prevention program". Yes folks, despite Very Thorough HR Lady's best efforts to educate us all about proper cubicle hygiene, Swine Flu has come to the office.

Pandemic Prevention Program? Epic. Fail.

Good thing I have a natural immunity to influenza. And strep throat. The CDC should study me...


BloggingBills said...

I hope your natural immunity is also to swine flu.

Erin said...

I do not have swine flu-other people in the office do. Sigh.

Morgan Hagey said...

I most definitely have the natural immunity to strep, as evidenced by my never ever getting it ever, even when it's wiped upon me.

But influenza? Is that even possible?

BloggingBills said...

I am also immune to strep. Could it be a Bills woman trait?