Monday, March 15, 2010

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

It's been a long time. just occurred to me that it's almost always "been a long time" when I finally get around to updating this little blog. It'd probably be okay if I stopped announcing that fact like it was somehow an astonishing revelation. Anyway, moving on.
I've realized several things lately and I, for reasons unknown, feel compelled to share. So now, I subject you to:
Random Goings On at the Montague's

1. I realized the other day that, more than just being annoying, clutter makes me crazy. I literally cannot concentrate or think about anything else if things are clutter-y and messy. This is a problem because we live in a tiny apartment and we, despite my frenzied New Year's purging, have too much stuff. I really, really don't like it when stuff doesn't have a 'home'. I should learn how to weave baskets because I buy them with astonishing regularity. I like to put stuff away. Everything must have a home. This need to put stuff away borders on a compulsion.

3. Isaac is doing a triathlon later this month. He rocks. I am not doing a triathlon because I currently resemble a small-ish whale. Maybe next year.

2. I am the luckiest pregnant person on earth. Seriously.  As soon as someone hears I am pregnant and still early in my pregnancy, each and every person I talk to feels compelled to tell me all the horror stories they have ever heard or experienced. I have heard about women throwing up 10 times a day. I have heard about women having to be hooked up to IV fluids for the better part of the first trimester. I have heard about debilitating exhaustion, endless migraines, constant feelings of starvation, endless blood tests, skyrocketing blood pressure...the list goes on and on and on. I have had none of these. I have not felt sick. Other than 1 incredibly unpleasant headache several weeks ago, I have had absolutely zero pregnancy symptoms.  Of course, now that I have said all that, I am going to start throwing up 10 times a day and be unable to get out of bed in the morning, but until that happens, I'm going to continue to consider myself the luckiest pregnant person ever. This is even the opinion of my midwife, who upon hearing that I haven't been sick or otherwise unpleasantly affected, pronounced "You're just lucky!". Yup, I am.

3. I have now started, but not finished, 3 different quilts. I'm sure I'll finish them eventually. I like having more than one project going on at once. No good reason why.

4. My little brother leaves for Brazil and his mission this Wednesday. He's very excited and we are all very proud of him for deciding to go. He'll be great!

5. I haven't purchased bread from a store in almost 3 months. I've been making our bread and it is great. I much prefer homemade bread to every single store bought brand I have ever tried. Since I work from home, I can start it in the morning and let it do it's rising thing during the day and finish it up before dinner. It's a great system. I highly recommend it.

6. Isaac and I really want to take a vacation before the baby comes, but thanks to the IRS and the US Tax Code, most of our vacation money has been otherwise spoken for. So, we need ideas for a cheap vacation. Preferably somewhere warm. Or, if someone would like to gift us with a vacation to Europe, we'd take that too. Consider it an early birthday present for the baby. No takers? Didn't think so. Suggestions would be appreciated.

8. I am now a regular contributer to The Diet Coke Diet blog, started by none other than my industrious little sister Morgan. It is a repository of all things quick, inexpensive and useful. Come visit us! You can read my inaugural posts! They'll teach you how to make a baby quilt (you know you want to!). I'll be posting on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the foreseeable future.

7. Why do all books of names call themselves some variation of "Baby name book"? You're not really naming a baby, you're naming a person. A baby is only a baby for like 1/100th of his/her life. Thinking you are naming a baby is how people end up with names like "Cookie"-maybe cute for a 3 month old. Not so cute for a 30 year old. Why not call them 'Name books' or "Names for future adults"? I'm writing a name book and calling it "Erin's Giant Book of Names for People" Cookie will not appear in this book.

That is all.


Kathleen said...

You make me laugh! You better really get ready to de-clutter when the little one arrives. I feel like I declutter twice daily and there is still so much stuff with the little ones around. I also think it is impressive that you have a reader from Cairo. I saw that on your sidebar thingy. Also I love the diet coke diet blog. I now clean lots of things with vinegar and look forward to more tips! No matter what you say I still can't imagine quilting a baby blanket could be easy seeing as I can barely hem my husbands dress pants. So glad you are feeling well during your pregnancy. Toodle-Loodle!

AMANDAM said...

I'm glad to hear that I won't have to call my newest niece or nephew Cookie. (though I will probably call him or her that now).

McEuens said...

Yay for lucky pregnant women and you being one of them! And thanks for your always entertaining commentary. I am going to be in San Diego at the beginning of July, and so I think you should make that your cheap vacation. Or come visit me in Boston and you can stay at our house, so you'll only be out the cost of two tickets! It's warm during the summer and there's lots to do. I'd even let you borrow our car. You owe me a visit, you know.... :)

BloggingBills said...

I have a comment about Cookie. My mom had a friend when we were stationed in New York and later in California whose name was Cookie. I thought it was kookie to be named Cookie. But dearest second daughter, you yourself announced years ago that this baby, should it be a girl would be named Sophronia. Like the prophet Joseph's sister. Thank heavens that you have grown out of that compulsion. And there is always "Proprecia".

PS: Caleb, opps, Elder Bills, is hanging in the living room. Mostly holding court as his friends hang out to keep him company. He'll be leaving in about 12 hours. I am trying not to think about it.

BloggingBills said...

All i can say is... you are amazing at counting! Go for it. Look back at your numbers. You go 1,3,2,3,4,etc. It just made me laugh!

Erin said...

Ha! You win! I did that on purpose! The first person to notice gets free access to all the blog archives. :-)

LeMira said...

Okay, so the one of the worst names I've heard for a child is Babyliz. Yup, that's right, and this child was in third grade when I first heard her name. Oh, and if a Babyliz reads this, sorry, but I prefer Elizabeth.