Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Is the American Media So Dumb?

I am grateful that I have classes at night so that I don't have to listen or watch the news or the pointless debates. Don't get me wrong; the political process is important, but here is my point: I am tired of hearing about what either candidate for president will "do" and how they each will magically solve the "economic crisis". Last I checked neither of them, regardless of who wins the election, can make any laws. I believe it was in fourth grade that I learned that there are three branches of government and the president belongs to the one that carries out or executes the laws that Congress legislates. I am sorry people, but neither of the candidates can actually do anything they say they will do. Congress decides what the tax laws are; they decide how much banks can be regulated, and so forth. And, we have all seen how well that has worked out. Thank you, Nancy Pelosi for doing all the great things you promised to do with the Democratic Congress. In reality, last I checked, she has done nothing but investigate baseball steroids. So, I have decided, I will vote for the first person who says, "If Congress passes such and such type legislation this is why I would or would not sign the bill." That would be an intelligent candidate and I wouldn't care what party they belong to because they would be smarter than anyone we have running now.
And, to place blame where it is due; the media are supposed to report on this stuff and, unfortunately, they are the ones "educating" people and doing a very poor job at it. The news can report about each candidate's economic packages all they want but the president doesn't decide that stuff Congress does! And, well, we all know how well Congress works; they've even created loop holes in the "bail out" package to CEO's for being greedy! Congress has allowed CEO's to run their companies and banks into the ground and come out with multiple millions of dollars. Why doesn't anyone report that?

1 comment:

BloggingBills said...

Nice analysis Ikster, I do believe you are ready for prime time! At least PBS...