Tuesday, February 5, 2008


The ceiling in my classroom is dripping. I guess, if I were to be specific, it is actually a light fixture in my classroom that is dripping copious amounts of water. I have gone to the custodians about this problem and have been assured that A) I and my students are not in danger of electrocution and B) There is nothing anyone can do about the constant drip. This has me slightly peeved. I, for one, do not believe that water pooling in a light fixture does not pose at least a small risk of electrocution and, on top of that, I am certain that something can be done. It has been my experience that when someone says "There's nothing we can do," what they really mean is, "There is nothing I am willing to do," and that just irritates me; almost as much as the steady drip...drip...drip... onto the floor and desks of my classroom.
Since there is, apparently, very little that anyone will do to solve this problem, I am considering an anonymous call to the fire marshal. He is the one who made our school librarian remove all couches and armchairs from the library because they are 'fuel for a fire', should a fire start in the library (to which instruction I responded: "Ummm. Did you not notice the shelves and shelves of books in the library? With paper?! The library is going up like a torch, with or without the chairs.")I am certain he will be interested in the electrocution risk, however remote, posed by the water in my light fixture.


Alice said...

This is why Alice is perfectly content working in her very very small school. I don't even have to ask for things; my custodian is always two steps ahead of me. I love it! Sorry about the dripping problem. Totally call the fire marshall, or better yet get somebody from the Trib. That would get some stuff done quick!

Morgan Hagey said...

Did you get electrocuted???

Erin said...

No, I have not been electrocuted. However, I work with teenagers, who might think that it is funny to play with the light fixture and the water in said light fixture- which could lead to disaster. Regardless of the electricution factor, it is exceptionally annoying.