Sunday, February 10, 2008

Clancy, the giant baby

So, Clancy. He's huge. He has these giant floppy ears-very cute. Tragically, they also get ear infections pretty regularly. Gross. To try and prevent the ear infections, we have this handy-dandy ear cleaner stuff, which we use to clean his ears just about everyday. You would think that the stupid dog would appreciate the fact that I clean his ears, because this means that they don't get infected and sore. But no. He is a giant baby about his ears. He hates having me clean them. He whines and wiggles and shakes his giant head and generally acts like I am killing him. Yesterday was the worst though. He was sleeping by the table when I went over to try and clean his ears. He got up and hid behind Isaac. I got a cookie and tried to bribe him. He came out from behind Isaac but as soon as he saw the ear cleaner and cotton balls, he hid under the table and whined. He would not come out, no matter what bribe I offered. I finally went under there with him-a rather tight squeeze by the way-and tried to do the ears. He rolled over and pushed me away with his feet! I have scratches all over my hands and arms from trying to turn him over! I gave up. If he is smart enough to figure out that the white bottle and cotton balls mean I am going to clean his ears, why can't he figure out that I'm not trying to kill him?


Emily said...

This is Emily, Kara's old roommate. I found your blog through Maren's, and you crack me up as much as always. I just wanted to say that dogs are funny like that. Ours freaks out when I try to trim him, but it has to be done. The other night I had to trick him to getting close to me, then I picked him up (he's small enough to do that, which I doubt would work with yours) and brought him into the bathroom. By cornering him in the bathroom with me he'll usually give up the fight, at least enough to let me get some done. And I've started giving him treats afterwards so he associates a good thing with it, and he runs to the treat drawer as soon as I open the door now. The thing is that I always feel bad. Sometimes he looks like he's cowering a little bit and I don't want him to be afraid of me or hate me! I'm not REALLY mean to him, he just thinks so! Silly dogs.

Emily said...

I know! We used to have to clean our cocker spaniel's ears. It's crazy that they recognize the stuff when you pull it out. We used to try to hide it behind our backs & then call him over to us & they hurry & grab him. It was a production!