Friday, November 7, 2008

Wait A Minute . . .

I would just like to say that I post stuff that is meant to spark conversion and insight into peoples lives and there are no comments. I may not be as grammatically correct has Erin but I try to get my point across. Erin posts about her lack of self image and the whole world comes out of the wood work and posts comments. What is up with that?


Morgan Hagey said...

Isaac- your post about Erin going to the round table never showed up. I could see the title on my blog, but every time I clicked it, it took me back to the "exercise" post. So, repost it. :)

Erin said...

That was my post. It was very whiny. I deleted it.

The Wolford Family said...

Isaac- I've commented before that you need your OWN complaint bog. But I do enjoy reading your rants!!!

Morgan Hagey said...


Isaac- I totally read and commented on your last editorial. It's not MY fault that you were right and there was nothing to discuss. :)

BloggingBills said...

Isaac, we all agree with you and I think you'll note that I did post a comment. However, the preponderance (is that spelled correctly? Spell check doesn't work here.) of Bills women who are trying to avoid looking like their mom demands comments! Sorry dude, but girls talk more than boys no matter what media they use.

Love ya still,
Yer other MA

Alisa said...

Sorry! I read them, say "hmmm" and go on. I'm not a political person and these things are not stuff I like to discuss, but I DO have interest in reading them. :)

Emily said...

I don't know if you'll notice this, since it's an old post, but I just wanted to say that my husband sort of feels the same way when he posts things on our blog. It's mostly my friends who read it, so whenever he takes time to write something I think he's a little sad when it doesn't get the same response as mine (not that I get a million comments, but still). I'll try to find something of value I can say in response to your posts in the future. :)